วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Utusan attacks MCA for defending Chinese ‘thugs’

Umno minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has until today refused to apologise for calling on Malay consumers to boycott Chinese businesses. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Seth Akmal, February 8, 2015.As the debate over prices of goods continues to take on a racist tone, an Umno-owned daily now accuses MCA of protecting Chinese “thugs" who deliberately kept their prices high.A senior editor for Mingguan Malaysia castigated MCA, the Chinese component party in Barisan Nasional (BN), because it continued to criticise Umno minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.The paper’s assistant editor, Ku Seman Ku Hussain, accused MCA of trying to be a spokesperson for its rival DAP, which he claimed was playing on racial sentiments.“Is the MCA a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Does it think that attacking Ismail would bring back Chinese support to MCA?“I am concluding that MCA is protecting Chinese 'thugs’ who are choking off consumers (Malay, Chinese and Indians).“If not, MCA would not have attacked Ismail who was talking about the culture of consumerism," Ku Seman said in his column in Mingguan, which is the Sunday edition of Utusan Malaysia.Ku Seman also defended Ismail, who created a storm of protest when he wrote on Facebook recently calling on Malay consumers to boycott Chinese businesses as the latter did not lower the price of goods after fuel prices fell.Ku Seman defended Ismail’s boycott call towards “Chinese traders who raised prices", saying it was not a racist statement.Instead Ku Seman blamed DAP, which he called a Chinese racist party, for using the chance to play up racist sentiments to make it seem like Ismail was racist.“This is not unusual for DAP, in fact, it would be unusual if they did not do this.“This Chinese party is well known for its racist agenda. Even then Malays in DAP have not realised this.“I never thought that there would be a race that would defend its own even for unscrupulous behaviour, such as squeezing the blood of consumers by hiking up prices."Ku Seman also praised Ismail for teaching consumers to use their power to boycott retailers and wholesalers who squeezed them.He said people of all races should be proud of Ismail for not giving in and apologising for his remarks.“If you did nothing wrong, why apologise? I hope that he does not change is stand even though he is facing political pressure.“In fact, Ismail has already clarified on his Facebook page that his statement was not racist but was actually a reminder to consumers.“We need firm people like Ismail not like some leaders who sweat, get weak in the knees and surrender when they are challenged," said Ku Seman.Yesterday, Ismail had blamed DAP for raising the prices of goods and urged Malaysians to disregard his racist Facebook postings.Ismail claimed the opposition constantly used the issue of high prices to criticise the government.“When prices come down, the government is supposed to benefit. But when prices don’t come down, DAP, PAS and others will use this reason to say that the government failed.“In talking about racism, DAP should not be 'the crab trying to teach its young to walk straight’. DAP is the father of all racists in Malaysia," said Ismail using a Malay proverb.Ismail had also said he would meet the police next week on the investigation into his statement.Ismail has, until today, not apologised for the posting itself. – February 8, 2015.

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